I have this ant script that is reading from a parameter a list of components and running other ant tasks (build.xml's):
<for list="${components.locations}" param="component" failonany="false">
<property name="@{component}" value="true"/>
<available file="${repository.location}/@{component}"/>
<available file="${repository.location}/${jars.location}"/>
<ant inheritAll="false" antfile="${repository.location}/@{component}/build.xml">
<!-- failonerror="false" -->
<property name="copy.libs" value="${copy.libs}"/>
<property name="repository.location" value="${repository.location}"/>
<property name="jars.location" value="${repository.location}/${jars.location}"/>
The problem is if one component is failing, the script doesn't continue to next one.
I tried running with -k (-keep-going) argument but it doesn't help. I found this property failonerror="false" but it's valid for "exec" tasks and couldn't integrate it with "ant" tasks or inside a "target".
Other direction was "failonany" property of the "for" but I didn't manage setting it up explicitly.
Can you please advice...
First of all, I would suggest deleting ant-contrib.jar and never looking back. Believe me, you will be doing yourself a favor.
You can use the subant
task to iterate Ant builds on a set of directories or files. Simply define a dirset
and pass any extra properties you need.
Instead of using ant-contrib's <if>
block, use the standard target
's if
attribute to switch the entire target on or off. This is much safer and better practice.
<property name="repository.location" location="repository_location" />
<property name="jars.location" location="${repository.location}/jars" />
<property name="components" value="dir1,dir2,dir3" />
<target name="init">
<condition property="jars.available">
<available file="${jars.location}" />
<target name="default" depends="init" if="jars.available">
<subant inheritall="false" failonerror="false">
<dirset id="components.dirs" dir="${repository.location}" includes="${components}" />
<property name="copy.libs" value="${copy.libs}" />
<property name="repository.location" value="${repository.location}" />
<property name="jars.location" value="${jars.location}" />