This is a continuation of troubleshooting this problem and a separate issue related to implementing a suggested solution.
I am attempting to consume Firebase function configuration from a locally-served environment as outlined here but I get an unexpected error.
{ "auth": { "clientid": MY_CLIENT_ID, "signoutreturnto": SOME_URL, "responsetype": SOME_URL, "redirecturi": SOME_OTHER_URL, "scope": SOME_OTHER_STRING, "domain": SOME_DOMAIN } }
I execute the following commands from the firebase CLI (within the functions directory):
I execute my config function via the cli:
I get the following error output in the console:
TypeError: config is not a function
at repl:1:1
at ContextifyScript.Script.runInContext (vm.js:32:29)
at REPLServer.defaultEval (repl.js:341:29)
at bound (domain.js:280:14)
at REPLServer.runBound [as eval] (domain.js:293:12)
at REPLServer.onLine (repl.js:536:10)
at emitOne (events.js:96:13)
at REPLServer.emit (events.js:191:7)
at REPLServer.Interface._onLine (readline.js:241:10)
at REPLServer.Interface._line (readline.js:590:8)
my other functions, bigben & firebaseConfig execute as expected from the CLI
If you want to see your functions config at the the CLI emulator prompt, you should run the emulator command from your functions directory:
$ cd functions
$ firebase experimental:functions:shell
Then, at the firebase prompt, you can access your config like this:
firebase> const functions = require('firebase-functions')
firebase> functions.config()
That should print your config. Normally you don't need to do something like this - you would instead just read the config from inside the emulated function using functions.config()