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Kafka Console consumer with kerberos authentication

How to consume published messages from the kafka (version 0.10) server which was kerberos authorized, for the authentication keytab file is being used.

I tried with the below command but no outputs were shown.

bin/ --bootstrap-server :9092 --topic --from-beginning


  • Kerberos-enabled clusters can pose some tricky challenges at times. I've had to deal with some of these myself.

    If the Kafka Cluster is Kerberos-enabled then you'll need to supply a jaas.conf file with the Kerberos details. Try following these steps(they worked for me):

    1. Create a jaas.conf file with the following contents:
    KafkaClient { required

    Note: I've assumed that the Kafka principal and the associated keytab is already created. If not, you'll need to create these first.

    1. Create a properties file (say "") with the following contents:
    1. Then at the terminal run the following command:
    $export KAFKA_OPTS="<path-to-jaas.conf>"
    1. Execute the Kafka-console-consumer script:
    $ kafka-console-consumer --topic <topic-name> --from-beginning 
    --bootstrap-server <anybroker>:9092 --consumer.config <>

    EDIT - Steps 3 and 4 could be combined just in case there is a preference to keep these as one command in the command history.

    I hope this helps.