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WebStorm Live Templates: variable reference

When creating a live template in WebStorm 2017.3.2 is there a way to apply multiple predefined functions on a single input? Or perhaps reference template variables from other template variables from within the same template?

Say for example I want to apply the capitalizeAndUnderscore function to $FOO$ and also apply the camelCase function to the same input supplied to the $FOO$ variable elsewhere in the template?

In other words, is it possible to achieve the following:

$FOO$: '$FOO_REFERENCE$' expands to MY_WHATEVER: 'myWhatever'

While only having to type mywhatever 1 single time?


  • Both capitalizeAndUnderscore() and camelCase() functions have String parameter - it can be a string constant, expression or a reference to already defined variable. So, you can easily use capitalizeAndUnderscore(FOO) as $FOO_REFERENCE$ value. But referencing variables defined in other templates is not supported. And you need to make sure that $FOO$ value is defined before being used.