I would like to obtain the DDL of a table and create another one from it. Currently I have something like this:
v_stmt := 'select dbms_metadata.get_ddl(''TABLE'', ''' || original_table || ''') from dual';
execute immediate v_stmt into v_stmt ;
v_stmt := REGEXP_REPLACE(v_stmt, '(' || original_table || ')', new_table, 1, 1);
execute immediate v_stmt;
The current table has SUPPLEMENTAL LOG GROUP generated. I do not want this, or rather when I try to create I face the below error.
ORA-30567: name already used by an existing log group
How do I get rid of the SUPPLEMENTAL LOG GROUP? Is it possible to use something like below or there is some other solution?
I think I can also use REGEXP_REPLACE but I don't know how to go about it either.
For reference the generated statement contains something like below:
I believe SET_TRANSFORM_PARAM won't help here.
You can try with REGEXP_REPLACE:
`v_stmt := regexp_replace(v_stmt, ',\s*supplemental\s+log\s+group\s+"[^"]+"\s*\("[^"]+"(,\s*"[^"]+")*\)\s*always\s*', '',1, 1,'i');`