I want to change a bit minimization optimizers like AdadeltaOptimizer
, which is used in Tensorflow.
I got the license but there is no code in lib, only reference, so how can I find the implementation? Here is Adadelta example of API:
@tf_export("train.AdadeltaOptimizer") class
Optimizer that implements the Adadelta algorithm.
See [M. D. Zeiler](http://arxiv.org/abs/1212.5701) ([pdf]
The first entry point is python/training/adadelta.py
from tensorflow main repo. But you may notice it's a python wrapper, all ops are actually implemented in native C++ and loaded in python (this is the usual practice in tensorflow, see for instance this question: Where is the code for gradient descent?).
For example, in core/kernels/training_ops.cc
you can find CPU impelmentation of ApplyAdadelta
op. GPU implementation of the same op is in core/kernels/training_ops_gpu.cu.cc
template <typename T>
struct ApplyAdadelta<GPUDevice, T> {
void operator()(const GPUDevice& d, typename TTypes<T>::Flat var,
typename TTypes<T>::Flat accum,
typename TTypes<T>::Flat accum_update,
typename TTypes<T>::ConstScalar lr,
typename TTypes<T>::ConstScalar rho,
typename TTypes<T>::ConstScalar epsilon,
typename TTypes<T>::ConstFlat grad) {
Eigen::array<typename TTypes<T>::Tensor::Index, 1> bcast;
bcast[0] = grad.dimension(0);
Eigen::Sizes<1> single;
accum.device(d) = accum * rho.reshape(single).broadcast(bcast) +
grad.square() * (grad.constant(T(1)) -
const auto update =
(accum_update + epsilon.reshape(single).broadcast(bcast)).sqrt() *
(accum + epsilon.reshape(single).broadcast(bcast)).rsqrt() * grad;
var.device(d) -= update * lr.reshape(single).broadcast(bcast);
accum_update.device(d) =
accum_update * rho.reshape(single).broadcast(bcast) +
update.square() *
(grad.constant(T(1)) - rho.reshape(single).broadcast(bcast));
If you'd like to patch C++ code, you'll have to rebuild .so
library. To be able to run your new optimizer on both CPU and GPU, you'll have to touch and rebuild both.