I have an issue calculating the start date that a product can start being assembled based on when it arrives and when there is the capacity to begin. This is assuming only one product/part can be assembled at a time at a given location. There is no specific order that parts have to arrive to begin assembly.
Data Available:
Product Part HardwareArrival Location AssemblyDays
A 1A 2018-01-01 Facility A 12
A 2A 2018-01-02 Facility A 12
A 3A 2018-01-03 Facility A 12
B 1A 2018-01-04 Facility B 9
B 2A 2018-01-05 Facility B 9
B 3A 2018-01-06 Facility B 9
Desired Result:
Product Part HardwareArrival Location AssemblyDays StartOfAssembly
A 1A 2018-01-01 Facility A 12 2018-01-01
A 2A 2018-01-02 Facility A 12 2018-01-13
A 3A 2018-01-03 Facility A 12 2018-01-25
B 1A 2018-01-04 Facility B 9 2018-01-04
B 2A 2018-01-05 Facility B 9 2018-01-13
B 3A 2018-01-06 Facility B 9 2018-01-22
You can do it using a recursive CTE:
-- Assign a row number to each part within each 'Location' slice
SELECT Product, Part, HardwareArrival, Location, AssemblyDays,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY Location ORDER BY HardwareArrival) AS rn
FROM mytable
), StartOfAssemblyCTE AS (
-- Anchor member: get the first part to be assembled for each 'Location'
SELECT Product, Part, HardwareArrival, Location, AssemblyDays,
rn AS level,
HardwareArrival AS StartOfAssembly
WHERE rn = 1
-- Recursive member: Get next start date
SELECT t1.Product, t1.Part, t1.HardwareArrival, t1.Location, t1.AssemblyDays,
t1.rn AS level,
-- If hardware arrival for current part is later than 'start-of-assembly'
-- calculated based on AssemblyDays and preceding start date,
-- then select hardware arrival date as starting date
WHEN x.StartOfAssembly < t1.HardwareArrival THEN t1.HardwareArrival
ELSE StartOfAssembly
END AS StartOfAssembly
JOIN StartOfAssemblyCTE AS t2 ON t1.Location = t2.Location AND t1.rn = t2.level + 1
t2.StartOfAssembly)) AS x(StartOfAssembly)
WHERE rn = level + 1
SELECT Product, Part, HardwareArrival, Location, AssemblyDays, StartOfAssembly
FROM StartOfAssemblyCTE
ORDER BY Location, HardwareArrival