I have a text file. I need to select the address mail from each line and send each line to the correspond address.
I try to use foreach
and awk
to select the address
set valuea = `awk '{print $3}' FichierNote`
Could you please give me a way how can i do this? This is the data in the file.
8 mariamms maria@gmail.com (cto;MDG_MMS)
7 lj16 jean-christophe@gmail.com (gnb;DIG_FMTRD)
7 imbse emma.imbspi@gmail.com (gnb;MDG_MMS)
6 viviens stephano.vien@gmail.com (gnb;IMD)
5 alberghv vinco.alrghina@gmail.com (cto;ADG)
You need to create a script like below:-
while read -r line
mailId=$(echo "$line" | awk '{print $3}')
#echo $mailId
#here you have to put your mail command
#example 'sendmail -f source_mail_id.com $mailId < mailContentFile.txt'
done < FichierNote
How will the above script work? In while
loop it will read each line and awk
command will cut the mail id each time and will store in mailId
variable. Now you need to put your mail command and put $mailId
variable as email address.