I have values for different indicators for different countries. A stacked boxplot is supposed to visualize my data. My goal is that the user chooses with selectInput which countries should be plotted. Therefore I am using subset. The bars are only plotted for the chosen countries, but there are too many labels on the x Axis. It seems, that whenever a chosen country has a value of zero, all the labels are shown until a country has a value greater than zero.
To check whether the data is filtered correctly, I printed a table as well.
This is my code:
Country <- c("Germany", "France", "UK", "Italy","Spain","US", "Canada","China","India","Japan")
data <- data.frame(country=Country,value=c(4,1,0,0,2,5,2,7,3,1,3,1,0,0,1,5,7,2,2,3),Ind=c(rep("1", times=10),rep("2", times=10)))
UI <- dashboardPage(
menuItem(selectInput(inputId = "ChooseCountry", label = "Choose Countries", Country,selected=list("India", "China"), multiple = T))
box(plotlyOutput("step1"), width = 12),
box(tableOutput("Table"), width=12)
Server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$step1 <- renderPlotly({
Data <- subset(data, country %in% input$ChooseCountry)
plot_ly(data = Data,
x = ~country, y = ~value, color = ~Ind, type = "bar") %>%
output$Table <- renderTable( {
Data <- subset(data, country %in% input$ChooseCountry)
Thank you for your suggestions! :)
You could drop the levels not used. Try this:
Server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$step1 <- renderPlotly({
Data <- subset(data, country %in% input$ChooseCountry)
Data[] <- lapply(Data, function(x) if(is.factor(x)) factor(x) else x)
plot_ly(data = Data,
x = ~country, y = ~value, color = ~Ind, type = "bar") %>%
output$Table <- renderTable( {
Data <- subset(data, country %in% input$ChooseCountry)
shinyApp(ui = UI,server = Server)