To create a table with a primary key and a name with the SQL command line I do the following
CREATE TABLE "people"(
"id" integer primary key,
"name" varchar(255)
this creates a table where I have to worry about the correct setting of the primary key for each record.
CREATE TABLE "people2"(
"id" integer generated by default as identity,
"name" varchar(255)
The table people2 now take care for me for the primary key. It gets nicely autogenerated.
To change the table people to auto-fill the primary key I could do the following:
ALTER TABLE "people"
The GUI becomes a bit buggy now (it shows the correct primary keys only after reopening the table). If I create a table like people2 I get the column id as the primary key.
Is there a nicer way to use primary key and auto increment in a create statement together? The constraint generated by default as identity was quite misleading at first.
The clause generated by default as identity
(and generated always as identity
if supported), is the SQL standard way of defining a identity column.
Please be aware that in table "people2", you don't have a primary key. You only specified it as an identity column, you didn't make it a primary key. You need to specify this explicitly.