For the past couple of weeks i'm trying to figure out how to include an external web app that does 3d modelling(Through THREE.js) into a viro react app. I tried webview and that works, but i need the model to be imported into my Viro App. I tried the WebViewBridge module (which in theory could send the .obj file as a string to my app from the webview so i can show it in AR) But it doesn't seem to work on the Native react version that Viro uses.
<View >
source={{uri: ''}}>
When i change the "webviewbridge" for "webview" it works, it shows google in a new view if i press a button. My aim is to have the web app shown, and on a button click i can get the presented 3D model and show it in augmented reality (a feature of viro-react).
Technical info:
My bad, it uses "injectedJavaScript" prop now.
let jsCode = " document.querySelector('#myContent').style.backgroundColor = 'green';";
<View style={localStyles.viroContainer}> //this just sets flex to 1
source={{ html: "<h1 id='myContent'>Hello</h1>" }}
style={{ flex: 1 }}
ref={ webview => { this.webview = webview; }}
<TouchableHighlight style={localStyles.overlayButton}
onPress={this.sendMessageToWebView2} underlayColor='transparent'>
<Text>Send message to WebView</Text>
I managed to get an alert with a string in my webview now on the buttonclick (sendmessagetowebview2), But i havent managed to change the injectedJavaScript yet.