I would like to create a generic function to avoid repeating while using conditions. Is there any possible ideas to achieve this? Thanks
struct ObjectDataItem {
var name: String
var value: String
static func arrayFields(arrayObject: ArrayObject) -> Array<ObjectDataItem> {
var objectFields = [ObjectDataItem]()
if let objectCategoryValue = arrayObject.objectCategory {
let data = [ObjectDataItem(name: ObjectCategoryConstant.objectCategoryKey, value: objectCategory)]
objectFields.append(contentsOf: data)
if let objectTypeValue = arrayObject.objectType {
let data = [ObjectDataItem(name: ObjectTypeConstant.objectTypeKey, value: objectTypeValue)]
objectFields.append(contentsOf: data)
if let objectName = arrayObject.objectName {
let data = [ObjectDataItem(name: ObjectNameConstant.objectNameKey, value: objectName)]
objectFields.append(contentsOf: data)
if let countryObjectValue = arrayObject.countryObjectCode {
let data = [ObjectDataItem(name: countryObjectConstant.countryObjectCodeKey, value: countryObjectValue)]
objectFields.append(contentsOf: data)
return objectFields
You could use keypaths
func arrayFields(arrayObject: ArrayObject) -> Array<ObjectDataItem> {
var objectFields = [ObjectDataItem]()
func appendField(key: String, valuePath: KeyPath<ArrayObject, String?>) {
if let value = arrayObject[keyPath: valuePath] {
let data = [ObjectDataItem(name: key, value: value)]
objectFields.append(contentsOf: data)
appendField(key: ObjectCategoryConstant.objectCategoryKey, valuePath: \ArrayObject.objectCategory)
appendField(key: ObjectCategoryConstant.objectTypeKey, valuePath: \ArrayObject.objectType)
return objectFields
You could go a step further and use a dictionary to lookup the keys, so in the end you would only have to pass in the keypath.