;) hi guys!
I want delete function in MultivaluedSection
,but I don't want display delete icon in section's rows, something like this:
let section2 = MultivaluedSection(multivaluedOptions: .Delete, footer: "")
for _ in 1..<4 {
section2 <<< PickerInlineRow<String> {
$0.title = "Tap to select"
$0.value = "client"
$0.options = nameList
I only want user swipe row to delete it.
I try solve it by check in Eureka source code,but can't find any method or property to do this.
FIX: oh!I notice this code in Eureka demo->MultivaluedOnlyDeleteController->viewDidLoad:
tableView.isEditing = false
But,it seem not working at first time.user must tap edit button to reset editing status.
what's wrong with it???
To fix this issue you only have to override the viewWillAppear
viewController method
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
tableView.isEditing = false