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Is it possible to hide delete icon from MultivaluedSection's rows?

;) hi guys!

I want delete function in MultivaluedSection,but I don't want display delete icon in section's rows, something like this:

let section2 =  MultivaluedSection(multivaluedOptions: .Delete, footer: "")
for _ in 1..<4 {
  section2 <<< PickerInlineRow<String> {
                  $0.title = "Tap to select"
                  $0.value = "client"
                  $0.options = nameList


I only want user swipe row to delete it.

I try solve it by check in Eureka source code,but can't find any method or property to do this.

FIX: oh!I notice this code in Eureka demo->MultivaluedOnlyDeleteController->viewDidLoad:

tableView.isEditing = false

But,it seem not working at first time.user must tap edit button to reset editing status.

what's wrong with it???


  • To fix this issue you only have to override the viewWillAppear viewController method

    override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
        tableView.isEditing = false

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