I had found this code ( I need to ping to an network with flash or actionscript ) Im not sure i understand it or how to use it exactly - I need for this to redirect to another frame if it worked and another if it failed
Is anyone able to help?
var ldr:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
ldr.addEventListener(HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_STATUS, ldrStatus);
var url:String = "URL-TO-SITE";
var limit:int = 10;
var time_start:Number;
var time_stop:Number;
var times:int;
function ping():void
trace("pinging", url);
times = 0;
function doThePing():void
time_start = getTimer();
ldr.load(new URLRequest(url));
function ldrStatus(evt:*):void
if(evt.status == 200)
time_stop = getTimer();
trace("got response in", time_stop - time_start, "ms");
if(times < limit) doThePing();
Well it is trying to load a website 10 times and check the response. I would get rid of the limit though, it make no sense to try it 10 times in a row.
Don't forget that you will need a crossdomain.xml file on your server to be able to access it from flash.
You will need to add some more things for your purpose:
// add an event listener for a failed call
ldr.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, ldrFailed);
ldr.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR , ldrSecurityError);
function ldrFailed(evt:*):void
// loader failed (no internet connection), try to ping again
function ldrSecurityError(evt:*):void
// There is an internet connection but probably something is wrong with your crossdomain.xml
function doRedirect():void
// make your redirect here
function doFailedRedirect():void
// something went wrong, do your failed redirect here
Adjust the ldrStatus function:
function ldrStatus(evt:*):void
if(evt.status == 200)
// server responded with status 200 wich means everything is fine
time_stop = getTimer();
trace("got response in", time_stop - time_start, "ms");
// there is an internet connection but the server returns something else (probably something is wrong with the server)