weight=input('What is your weight?')
age=input('What is your age?')
if (a<=10 and w<80):
print('This person needs to ride the black roller coaster')
if (a<=10 and 80<=w<=200):
print('This person needs to ride the green roller coaster')
if (a<=10 and w>200):
print('This person needs to ride the yellow roller coaster')
if (10<a<=20 and w<80):
print('This person needs to ride the silver roller coaster')
if (10<a<=20 and 80<=w<=200):
print('This person needs to ride the red roller coaster')
if (10<a<=20 and w>200):
print('This person needs to ride the purple roller coaster')
print('This person needs to ride the pink roller coaster')
I'm new to this and just don't understand how/where I'm supposed to use "try" and "except" for when the user inputs a number that's negative or a string.
Maybe try try
like this:
def checkValue():
while True:
global a, w
a = int(input("What's your age? ").strip())
w = int(input("What's your weight? ").strip())
except ValueError as e:
print("This is not a number. Try again.")
if a <= 0 and w <= 0:
print("Enter value lager than 0.")
return a, w
checkValue ()