I'm trying to setup my build defintion with yaml.
I'm using the AppCenterDistribute task. It requires and endpoint to MS App Center. I've setup one as per this tutorial.
However, I got that error message:
"Step input serverEndpoint references endpoint App Center which could not be found. The service endpoint does not exist or has not been authorized for use."
"App Center" is the name of the endpoint that I've setup in VSTS. Here the task in yaml:
- task: AppCenterDistribute@0
displayName: 'iOS Deployment'
serverEndpoint: 'App Center'
appSlug: 'myname/myapp'
appFile: ''#path to ipa
symbolsDsymFiles: ''#path to dsym zip
symbolsIncludeParentDirectory: false
releaseNotesInput: 'release notes'
The endpoint exists (see screenshot below)
And if I create a "Build Definition" manually (i.e without yaml) then that endpoint is available in the drop down (see below).
Btw, to generate my yaml, I create a playground build definition on the portal that I don't save and there is "View Yaml" button on the top right corner. See below.
The issue was that I created the 'App Center' endpoint in a different project in vsts than the one for the yaml build definition. Hence vsts was rightfully complaining that that endpoint could not be found.