I am using Pymodm as a mongoDB odm with python flask. I have looked through code and documentation (https://github.com/mongodb/pymodm and http://pymodm.readthedocs.io/en/latest) but could not find what I was looking for.
I am looking for an easy way to fetch data from the database without converting it to a pymodm object but as plain JSON. Is this possible with pymodm?
Currently, I am overloading the flask JSONEncoder to handle DateTime and ObjectID and use that to convert the pymodm Object to JSON.
It is not obvious from the PyMODM documentation, but here's how to do it:
Actually, I just re-read your question, and I don't think anything is forcing you to use PyMODM everywhere in your project once you have made the decision to use it. So if you are just looking for the JSON structures, you could just use the base pymongo package functionality.