Problem statement: find the number of "vowel only" strings that can be made from a given sequence of Morse code (the entire string must be used)
I have this current recursive solution. I want to speed up this algorithm to run in O(n) time. I know that I can define my array as S[j] = the maximum number of unique strings that can be created with access from 1 ... j. But I don't know where to go from there.
morsedict = {'A': '.-',
'E': '.',
'I': '..',
'O': '---',
'U': '..-'}
maxcombinations = 0
def countCombinations(codelist):
if len(codelist) is 0:
global maxcombinations
maxcombinations += 1
if codelist[0] in morsedict.values():
if len(codelist) >= 2 and codelist[:2] in morsedict.values():
if len(codelist) >= 3 and codelist[:3] in morsedict.values():
For future researchers here is the solution for conversion to a DP problem:
morsedict = {'A': '.-',
'E': '.',
'I': '..',
'O': '---',
'U': '..-'}
def countcombinations(codelist):
# Generate the DP array to match the size of the codeword
maxcombinations = [0] * (len(codelist))
# How many unique strings can I create with access to j elements: j = current index
# j = 0: access to nothing (1 because we need somewhere to start)
maxcombinations[0] = 1
# Brute force calculate the first case due to its simplicity
if codelist[0: 2] in morsedict.values():
maxcombinations[1] = 1
maxcombinations[1] = 0
# For the rest of the indices, we look back in the DP array to see how good we can do given a certain length string
for i in range(1, len(codelist)):
firststr = codelist[i]
secondstr = codelist[(i - 1): i + 1]
thirdstr = codelist[(i - 2): i + 1]
if len(firststr) is 1 and firststr in morsedict.values():
maxcombinations[i] += maxcombinations[i - 1]
if len(secondstr) is 2 and secondstr in morsedict.values():
maxcombinations[i] += maxcombinations[i - 2]
if len(thirdstr) is 3 and thirdstr in morsedict.values():
maxcombinations[i] += maxcombinations[i - 3]
if __name__ == "__main__":
codelist = input()