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Migration from Ride Request Uber widget in Android as it has been deprecated

In previous versions of the Uber Rides SDK there was a simple way to embed the Uber rider experience in your application with the Ride Request Widget but now it has been deprecated.

My code is:

SessionConfiguration config = new SessionConfiguration.Builder()

 RideParameters rideParams = new RideParameters.Builder()
.setPickupLocation(37.775304, -122.417522, "Uber HQ", "1455 Market Street, 
 San Francisco, California")
.setDropoffLocation(37.795079, -122.4397805, "Embarcadero", "One Embarcadero 
 Center, San Francisco")

 RideRequestDeeplink deeplink = new RideRequestDeeplink.Builder(context)


Previously the app was working just fine.

I want some work round or code snippet which will help me achieve the same functionality and migrate to meet the new rules as per Uber latest release. Thanks in advance


  • There were some changes to the latest version of the Uber SDK for Android (v0.9.0) - it was added support for Uber Mobile Web as Fallback option over deprecated Ride Request Widget. You can check our documentation and deep links guide here:

    You can see there an example to just get the uri (.getUri()) and then open it in a chrometab/Browser etc if Uber is not installed (or call .execute() to open in default app/browser):

    SessionConfiguration config = new SessionConfiguration.Builder()
    RideRequestDeeplink deeplink = new RideRequestDeeplink.Builder(context)
    // to launch as a custom tab with browser fallback
    // to get the mobile deep link as a string
    String uri = deeplink.getUri();