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Error calling R script from octave on HPC cluster

I have one octave script which calls a R script to do some calculation on a HPC cluster. The calculation procedure is as follow:

  1. Submit job on the cluster to get computation node assigned then distribute calculation to each CPUs in that node. Part of the shell script looks like this

    for host in `cat $PBS_NODEFILE`
    mkdir case_$count
    cd case_$count
    export workdir=`pwd`
    ssh -n $remotehost "cd $workdir; export PATH=$PATH:$workdir; octave $MFILE > /dev/null" &
  2. For the sake of simplicity, the sample $MFILE content is

    printf("Calling R script from Octave \n");
  3. The hello_world.R

    print("Hello World!")
  4. Error encountered when run

    sh: ./hellow_world.R: /usr/bin/Rscript: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
  5. Some of my environment variables (just in case)

    $ echo $PATH
    $ which Rscript 
    $ which R

If I run the $MFILE from command line, it worked ok and printed the desired output just fine. I have tried many solutions I could find on the net to no avail

Anybody knows what went wrong? Thanks for any suggestion!


  • The problem was R was loaded on login node but wasn't loaded on the compute node. So in the job submission script, there must be a line to load R before doing any calculation. For example:

        module load r/3.4.3

    See more here and here