Right now I am working on a wrapper for common functions for transcrypt called TranscryptFrame. I get a compiler error and I like to know if we can solve this in any way, maybe it is just a little change in the code to get things working.
You need to have the latest TranscryptFrame.py file in the working directory for compiling. You find it here: https://github.com/bunkahle/Transcrypt-Examples/blob/master/dom/TranscryptFrame.py - please feel free to suggest changes or improvements on this file or bug reports. It might be available sometime as a library in the future.
So here is the code which doesn't even compile, I get the error can't assign to function call.
# change_text2a_tf.py
import TranscryptFrame as tf
def insert():
# working:
# myElement = tf.S("#intro")
# tf.S("#demo").innerHTML = "The text from the intro paragraph is " + myElement.innerHTML
# working:
# myElement_htm = tf.S("#intro", "htm")
# tf.S("#demo").innerHTML = "The text from the intro paragraph is " + myElement_htm
# working:
# tf.S("#demo").innerHTML = "The text from the intro paragraph is " + tf.S("#intro", "htm")
# not working: can't assign to function call on compiling
tf.S("#demo", "htm") = "The text from the intro paragraph is " + tf.S("#intro", "htm")
and this is the html for running it:
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<script src="__javascript__/change_text2a_tf.js"></script>
<title>Change Text with TranscryptFrame</title>
<body onload=change_text2a_tf.insert()>
<p id="intro"><b>Hello World!</b></p>
<p>This example demonstrates the <b>getElementById</b> method!</p>
<p id="demo"></p>
In the line:
tf.S("#demo", "htm") = "The text from the intro paragraph is " + tf.S("#intro", "htm")
you are assigning something to the result of a function, namely to tf.S("#demo", "htm")
This isn't possible in Python, JavaScript or Transcrypt. It is possible in C++ by returning a reference, but C++ is rather unique in that.
A function in Python, JavaScript or Transcrypt does not return an LValue (location in memory) but an RValue (the value that resides in that location). You can't store anything in a value, only in a location.
The following piece of C++ code uses references and a function call to the left of a =:
float &lowestGrade (float &x, float & y) {
return x < y ? x : y;
It can be called as follows:
grade1 = 4;
grade2 = 6;
lowestGrade (grade1, grade2) += 2;
Note that grade1
will be 6 after this.
But as said, functions returning LValues (locations in memory) are rather unique for C++.