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pyspark - Grouping and calculating data

I have the following csv file.


I have to create a RDD where USER MODEL AND GT are PRIMARY KEY, I don't know if I have to do it using them as a tuple.

Then when I have the primary key field I have to calculate AVG, MAX and MIN from 'x','y' and 'z'.

Here is an output:

a, nexus4,stand,-3.0,0.7,8.2,2.8,0.14,0.0,-1.0,0.8,8.2,-5.0,0.6,8.2

Any idea about how to group them and for example get the media values from "x"

With my current code I get the following.

# Data loading

    lectura = sc.textFile("Phones_accelerometer.csv")

    datos = x: ((x.split(",")[6], x.split(",")[7], x.split(",")[9]),(x.split(",")[3], x.split(",")[4], x.split(",")[5])))

    sumCount = datos.combineByKey(lambda value: (value, 1), lambda x, value: (x[0] + value, x[1] + 1), lambda x, y: (x[0] + y[0], x[1] + y[1]))

An example of my tuples:

   [(('a', 'nexus4', 'stand'), ('-5.958191', '0.6880646', '8.135345'))]


  • If you have a csv data in a file as given in the question then you can use sqlContext to read it as a dataframe and cast the appropriate types as

    df ="com.databricks.spark.csv").option("header", True).load("path to csv file")
    import pyspark.sql.functions as F
    import pyspark.sql.types as T
    df ='User'), F.col('Model'), F.col('gt'), F.col('x').cast('float'), F.col('y').cast('float'), F.col('z').cast('float'))

    I have selected primary keys and necessary columns only which should give you

    |User|Model |gt   |x         |y        |z       |
    |a   |nexus4|stand|-5.958191 |0.6880646|8.135345|
    |a   |nexus4|stand|-5.95224  |0.6702118|8.136536|
    |a   |nexus4|stand|-5.9950867|0.6535492|8.204376|
    |a   |nexus4|stand|-5.9427185|0.6761627|8.128204|

    All of your requirements: median, deviation, max and min depend on the list of x, y and z when grouped by primary keys: User, Model and gt.

    So you would need groupBy and collect_list inbuilt function and a udf function to calculate all of your requiremnts. Final step is to separate them in different columns which are given below

    from math import sqrt
    def calculation(array):
        num_items = len(array)
        print num_items, sum(array)
        mean = sum(array) / num_items
        differences = [x - mean for x in array]
        sq_differences = [d ** 2 for d in differences]
        ssd = sum(sq_differences)
        variance = ssd / (num_items - 1)
        sd = sqrt(variance)
        return [mean, sd, max(array), min(array)]
    calcUdf = F.udf(calculation, T.ArrayType(T.FloatType()))
    df.groupBy('User', 'Model', 'gt')\
        .agg(calcUdf(F.collect_list(F.col('x'))).alias('x'), calcUdf(F.collect_list(F.col('y'))).alias('y'), calcUdf(F.collect_list(F.col('z'))).alias('z'))\
        .select(F.col('User'), F.col('Model'), F.col('gt'), F.col('x')[0].alias('median_x'), F.col('y')[0].alias('median_y'), F.col('z')[0].alias('median_z'), F.col('x')[1].alias('deviation_x'), F.col('y')[1].alias('deviation_y'), F.col('z')[1].alias('deviation_z'), F.col('x')[2].alias('max_x'), F.col('y')[2].alias('max_y'), F.col('z')[2].alias('max_z'), F.col('x')[3].alias('min_x'), F.col('y')[3].alias('min_y'), F.col('z')[3].alias('min_z'))\

    So finally you should have

    |User|Model |gt   |median_x |median_y |median_z|deviation_x|deviation_y|deviation_z|max_x     |max_y    |max_z   |min_x     |min_y    |min_z   |
    |a   |nexus4|stand|-5.962059|0.6719971|8.151115|0.022922019|0.01436464 |0.0356973  |-5.9427185|0.6880646|8.204376|-5.9950867|0.6535492|8.128204|

    I hope the answer is helpful.