I've been trying to use So
type to implement SortedTwoElems
proof type and function isSortedTwoElems
. I'm not sure how to go about implementing proveUnsortedTwoElems
Here's the full example:
import Data.So
data SortedTwoElems : List e -> Type where
MkSortedTwoElems : Ord e => {x : e} -> {y : e} -> (prf : So (x <= y))-> SortedTwoElems [x, y]
proveUnsortedTwoElems : Ord e => {x : e} -> {y : e} -> So (not (x <= y)) -> SortedTwoElems [x, y] -> Void
proveUnsortedTwoElems = ?how_to_implement_this
isSortedTwoElems : Ord e => {x : e} -> {y : e} -> (xs : List e) -> Dec (SortedTwoElems xs)
isSortedTwoElems [] = No (\(MkSortedTwoElems _) impossible)
isSortedTwoElems (x :: []) = No (\(MkSortedTwoElems _) impossible)
isSortedTwoElems (x :: (y :: (z :: xs))) = No (\(MkSortedTwoElems _) impossible)
isSortedTwoElems (x :: (y :: [])) =
case choose (x <= y) of
(Left prf) => Yes (MkSortedTwoElems prf)
(Right prfNot) => No (proveUnsortedTwoElems prfNot)
When doing it with:
proveUnsortedTwoElems (MkSortedTwoElems _) impossible
type checker complains with:
proveUnsortedTwoElems (MkSortedTwoElems _) is a valid case
I started with an intermediate lemma which should allow to conclude whenever you find two contradictory So
soNotTrue : So b -> So (not b) -> Void
soNotTrue {b = True} prf prf' = absurd prf'
soNotTrue {b = False} prf prf' = absurd prf
You can then try to write:
unsortedTwoElems : Ord e => So (not (x <= y)) -> SortedTwoElems [x, y] -> Void
unsortedTwoElems prf (MkSortedTwoElems prf') = soNotTrue prf' prf
And here the error message should clue you in: the Ord e
constraint used in So (not (x <= y))
is the one bound in unsortedTwoElems
whilst the one used inside of MkSortedTwoElems
is bounded by it.
There is no guarantee that these two Ord
s are compatible.
My suggested solution: redefine SortedTwoElems
so that it is explicit about the Ord
it is using.
import Data.So
data SortedTwoElems : Ord e -> List e -> Type where
MkSortedTwoElems : {o : Ord e} -> So (x <= y) -> SortedTwoElems o [x, y]
soNotTrue : So b -> So (not b) -> Void
soNotTrue {b = True} prf prf' = absurd prf'
soNotTrue {b = False} prf prf' = absurd prf
unsortedTwoElems : (o : Ord e) => So (not (x <= y)) -> SortedTwoElems o [x, y] -> Void
unsortedTwoElems prf (MkSortedTwoElems prf') = soNotTrue prf' prf