I have (long and complcated) query, based on Criteria.
The following code:
var myList = criteria.List<MyEntity>()
works fine, but it returns list of 50 whole entities. For performance reasons, i want to apply projection for my query. The following code also works OK:
var objList = criteria.List<Object[]>()
It returns collection of 50 arrays, each contains 2 objects, which I can access by indexes. I want to access individual properties by it's names, so I wrote the following code:
var myList = criteria.SetResultTransformer(Transformers.AliasToEntityMap).List<Hashtable>();
var myElement = myList[0]["Id"];
As far, as I have seen in the Internet, it should return list of dictionaries.
BUT: - myList contains 50 empty items - myElement is null.
What am I doing wrong?
The trick here is: conversion to key
dictionary... requires alias.
Let's adjust the projection like this:
Projections.ProjectionList() // Alias
.Add(Projections.Property("Id") .As("Id"))
and the rest will work...