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Transform JSON array to a JSON map

I have a postgresql table called datasource with jsonb column called config. It has the following structure:


I would like to transform nested json array projectNames into a map and add a default value for each element from the array, so it would look like:

      "project_name_1": "value",
      "project_name_N": "value"

I have selected projectNames from the table using postgresql jsonb operator config#>'{projectNames}', but I have no idea how to perform transform operation.

I think, I should use something like jsonb_object_agg, but it converts all data into a single row.

I'm using PostgreSQL 9.6 version.


  • You need to first unnest the array, then build a new JSON document from that. Then you can put that back into the column.

    update datasource
      set config = jsonb_set(config, '{projectNames}',
    from (  
      select id, jsonb_object_agg(pn.n, 'value') as map
      from datasource, jsonb_array_elements_text(config -> 'projectNames') as pn (n)
      group by id
    ) t
    where =;

    The above assumes that there is a primary (or at least unique) column named id. The inner select transforms the array into a map.

    Online example: