I have a dataset which looks like this:
ID 2017 2018 2019 2020
2017 30 24 20 18
2018 30 24 20 18
2019 30 24 20 18
2020 30 24 20 18
I am looking to create an array based on a few inputs:
%let FixedorFloating = '1 or 0';
%let Repricingfrequency = n Years;
%let LastRepricingDate = 'Date'n;
So far my code looks like this:
data ReferenceRateContract;
set refratecontract;
*arrays for years and flags;
array _year(2017:2020) year2017-year2020;
array _flag(2017:2020) flag2017-flag2020;
*loop over array;
if &FixedorFloating=1;
do i=&dateoflastrepricing to hbound(_year);
/*check if year matches year in variable name*/
if put(ID, 4.) = compress(vname(_year(i)),, 'kd')
then _flag(i)=1;
else _flag(i)=0;
else if &fixedorfloating=0;
do i=&dateoflastrepricing to hbound(_year);
if put (ID,4.)<=compress(vname(_year(i)),,'kd')
then _flag(i)=1;
else if put (ID, 4.) = compress(vname(_year(i-2*i)),, 'kd')
then _flag(i)=1;
else _flag(i)=0;
drop i;
The code works for the original if function but I'd like to make this more dynamic by introducing the else if FixedorFloating=0.
I'm also looking to make my function able to decipher whether the ID is on a year +2i year from the ID. i.e.
if ID=2017 - i'd like a 1 for years 2017, 2019. For ID=2018,
I'd like a 1 for 2018, 2020 and so on hence the
I'm unsure if this is reasonable or incorrect.
The error of the log looks like this:
82 else if &fixedorfloating=0;
ERROR 160-185: No matching IF-THEN clause.
84 then do i=&dateoflastrepricing to hbound(_year);
ERROR 180-322: Statement is not valid or it is used out of proper order.
91 else _flag(i)=0;
92 end;
ERROR 161-185: No matching DO/SELECT statement.
I'm assuming the if do followed by an else-if do isn't structured properly.
the issue is here:
if &FixedorFloating=1;
do i=&dateoflastrepricing to hbound(_year);
the first if
is a "gating if", meaning that only records matching the condition are processed.
Try changing to:
if &FixedorFloating=1 then
do i=&dateoflastrepricing to hbound(_year);