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Webpack V4: Remove console.logs with Webpack & Uglify

This answer worked like a charm previously:

However, since Webpack v4 it doesn't work anymore. Since then it throws:

Error: webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin has been removed, please use config.optimization.minimize instead.

What is necessary here in order to make it work in Webpack v4?

I've tried using the following without luck:

const uglifyJsPlugin = require('uglifyjs-webpack-plugin');

if (process.argv.indexOf('-p') !== -1) {
  // compress and remove console statements. Only add this plugin in production
  // as even if drop_console is set to false, other options may be set to true
  config.plugins.push(new uglifyJsPlugin({
    compress: {
      'drop_console': true


  • You're still putting it in config.plugins, have you tried putting it in config.optimization.minimizer?

    const UglifyJSPlugin = require('uglifyjs-webpack-plugin')
    optimization: {
      minimizer: [
        new UglifyJSPlugin({
          uglifyOptions: {
            compress: {
              drop_console: true,