I've a file sharing script, When I upload a file, the download link of the file is showing as this : http://www.example.net/file?id=fileID
Noting that the ( file?id=fileID ) is given by a functions php file .. while the original shape of links : download.php?id=fileID.
Now when I browse the link http://www.example.net/file?id=fileID ... I get Not found .. and the htaccess has the following :
RewriteRule ^file([0-9]*)?id=$ download.php?id=$1
and it still not found.. So I want to Rewrite the original links to work when I browse the link: http://www.example.net/file?id=fileID
This should work
RewriteRule ^file/? download.php [QSA]
I used the QSA flag because it retains the query string and passes it on to the new URL. By default, RewriteRule will discard the query string.
Edit: Based on your comment, use this rule to achieve what you want.
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^(.*)img(.*)$
RewriteRule ^download.php/? img.php?%1id%2 [QSA]