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Googleway R Alternative routes

I'm using the google_directions() function to generate driving routes between two coordinates which are generated on clicking at different points in a leaflet map.I would like to show a few possible routes, instead of just one. Setting alternatives = TRUE does not seem to do the job for me. I've tried multiple coordinates.

    key <- "my_key"
    #lat1,lon1 generated on first click. lat2,lon2 generated on second click.
    df <- google_directions(origin = c(lat1,lon1),
                            destination = c(lat2,lon2),
                            key = key,
                            mode = "driving",
                            simplify = TRUE,
                            alternatives = TRUE)
    pl <- decode_pl(direction_polyline(df))
    leaflet() %>% addTiles() %>% addPolylines(data = pl, lng = ~lon, lat = ~lat,group = "route")


  • I found the issue and have uploaded a fix

    In brief, the alternatives argument wasn't correctly being used, as you found out.

    If you install the latest development version this should work for you


    To show it working, this example will generate two routes

    df <- google_directions(origin = "Melbourne Airport, Australia",
                            destination = "Portsea, Melbourne, Australia",
                            mode = "driving",
                            alternatives = TRUE)
    df_routes <- data.frame(polyline = direction_polyline(df)) 
    set_key("map_key", api = "map")
    google_map() %>%
      add_polylines(data = df_routes, polyline = "polyline")

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