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Validation for Tkinter Entry Runs Only Once

I am trying to implement a way of an entry only accepting integers being typed into it but I am struggling to get the code to work as desired. As I understand:

  • The entry widget has a parameter validate which chooses when the validation should take place.
  • The parameter validatecommand decides how the data should be restricted
  • When validate is equal to 'key', at every keystroke, the string inside the entry is checked against the rules specified in validatecommand

However, after attempting this I got the issue that it only the validates the string in the entry at the before even clicking on it.

from tkinter import*
root = Tk()

def equationpage(root):
    vcmd = root.register(validate)
    A_str = IntVar()
    a = Entry(root,width="2",textvariable=A_str,validate = "key",validatecommand = (vcmd,'%p')),y=0)
def validate(inp):
        return False
    return True

With the code above no validation takes place and it lets me type anything into the entry. If I change the code above so that there is no default value for the entry I end up not being able to type anything into the entry as it keeps rejecting the input.

How can I solve this problem?


  • Based on this answer, there's no defined Tcl variable: '%p' for this option.



    to include the uppercase P instead:
