I need to extract .tex files from multiple .gz files that are inside a single .tar file. I wrote some code that does this successfully, but I am unzipping the .tar and every .gz file. Is there a way to avoid doing so much unzipping? I would like to navigate straight to the .tex files and only extract these.
def extractFile(filename):
tar = tarfile.open(filename)
for item in tar:
# Extract from .tar into 'temp' subfolder only if .gz
if item.name.endswith('.gz'):
item.name = os.path.basename(item.name) # reset path to remove parent directories like '0001'
if not os.path.isdir('temp'):
tar.extract(item, path='temp')
# Extract from .gz into 'temp' subfolder only if .tex
gz = tarfile.open('temp/' + item.name, mode='r:gz')
for file in gz:
if file.name.endswith('.tex'):
gz.extract(file, path='latex')
except tarfile.ReadError:
# Move to 'error' folder, ensuring it exists
if not os.path.isdir('error'):
os.rename('temp/' + item.name, 'error/' + item.name)
I was able to answer my question with the help of the comments. (Thanks!) My code now extracts .tex files from multiple .gz files that are inside a single .tar file, without unzipping/saving each .gz file to the computer.
def extractFile(filename):
tar = tarfile.open(filename)
for subfile in tar.getmembers():
# Open subfile only if .gz
if subfile.name.endswith('.gz'):
gz = tar.extractfile(subfile)
gz = tarfile.open(fileobj=gz)
# Extract file from .gz into 'latex' subfolder only if .tex
for subsubfile in gz.getmembers():
if subsubfile.name.endswith('.tex'):
gz.extract(subsubfile, path='latex')
except tarfile.ReadError:
# Add subfile name to error log
with open('error_log.txt', 'a') as log:
log.write(subfile.name + '\n')