I am a newbie on Fortran 77. I need a code that like input.next() in Java. I want to give an input like "hi how are you today" and check every word one by one, so to do that, i need to take words one by one. What is the simplest way to do it? I can check every character and put characters before space in a character variable but it looks hard way.
Although this is probably a duplicate, here is what I have in hand (to show that there is no direct builtin routine, and although it may appear tricky at first sight, it is not that "hard" to write it somehow...) I think there are also more efficient ways based on index() function. If necessary, it may be useful to write a similar routine like "input_next()" to get the next word one-by-one [*].
program main
implicit none
character(100) line, words( 100 )
integer n, i
line = "hi how are you today" ! input string
words = "" ! words to be obtained
call split_str( line, words, n )
do i = 1, n
print *, "i= ", i, "word= ", trim(words( i ))
subroutine split_str( line, words, n )
implicit none
character(*), intent(in) :: line
character(*), intent(out) :: words(*)
integer, intent(out) :: n
integer :: ios
character(100) :: buf( 100 ) ! large buffer
n = 0
n = n + 1
read( line, *, iostat=ios ) buf( 1 : n ) ! use list-directed input
if ( ios == 0 ) then
words( 1 : n ) = buf( 1 : n ) ! if success, copy to the original array
n = n - 1
exit ! if all the words are obtained, finish
i= 1 word= hi
i= 2 word= how
i= 3 word= are
i= 4 word= you
i= 5 word= today
[*] Here is one possible approach for such getnextword()
, which obtains a word from an input string (line
) via list-directed input and remove that word from the string for next call. If no more word is found in line
, found
becomes false. (Please search "list-directed input" on the net or in SO pages for more details.)
program main
implicit none
character(100) line, word
logical found
line = "hi how are you today"
call getnextword( line, word, found )
if ( .not. found ) exit
print "(a,a7,2a)", "word= ", trim( word ), " : line= ", trim( line )
end program
subroutine getnextword( line, word, found )
implicit none
character(*), intent(inout) :: line
character(*), intent(out) :: word
logical, intent(out) :: found
integer :: ios
character(100) :: buf
read( line, *, iostat=ios ) buf ! try to read one word into a buffer via list-directed input
if ( ios == 0 ) then ! if success
found = .true.
word = trim( buf ) ! save the word
line = adjustL( line )
line = line( len_trim( word ) + 1 : ) ! and remove the word from the input line
found = .false.
word = ""
word= hi : line= how are you today
word= how : line= are you today
word= are : line= you today
word= you : line= today
word= today : line=