Could anyone help me spot what is wrong in the following way of finding a min and a max in a list and returning them as a list? It should be working logically. I suppose there's something wrong with the parentheses.
(define (find-min-and-max my-list)
(find-min-max-rec (car my-list) (car my-list) my-list)
(define (find-min-max-rec smallest largest ls)
(if (null? ls)
(list smallest largest)
((and (< smallest (car ls)) (> largest (car ls)) ) (find-min-max-rec (car ls) (car ls) (cdr ls)))
((< smallest (car ls)) (find-min-max-rec (car ls) largest (cdr ls)))
((> largest (car ls)) (find-min-max-rec smallest (car ls) (cdr ls)))
(else (find-min-max-rec smallest largest (cdr ls)))
(display (find-min-and-max '(1 2 3 4)))
Console output
*** ERROR: pair required, but got ()
While loading "./" at line 17
Stack Trace:
0 (car ls)
at "./":10
1 (find-min-and-max '(1 2 3 4))
at "./":17
Command exited with non-zero status 70
(1 4)
In addition, is there any debugging tool that you would recommend using?
Note: I have been running my code in here:
Yep, actually you're right. There's something wrong with the parentheses.
Here's a clue: What does this evaluate to?
(define (f x)
(if (< x 5) 10)
(f 3)