I have a setup where 2 Laravel 5.3 setups acting as API and client for decoupled e-commerce solution.
after working about a year, suddenly it started to return 401 Unauthenticated error.
My implementation is done exactly according to the Laravel 5.3 doc.
Error was Client error: "GET" http://myapi.com/api/get/product/ resulted in a "401 Unauthorized" response:{"error":"Unauthenticated."}
Root Cause
According to Laravel documentation (API Authentication (Passport)) Laravel Version 5.3 tokens do not need to be refreshed and renewed.
Contradicting to the document Laravel 5.3 tokens expire after 1 Year and need to be refreshed/renewed.
Ironically the “Laravel Refresh Token” also expire in the same day, making automatic renewal of the Token after the expiration impossible.
Use below code in AuthServiceProvider.php boot method and below the $this->registerPolicies();
Passport::routes(); Passport::refreshTokensExpireIn(Carbon::now()->addDays(30));
Ignoring the Laravel 5.3 document, implement a Token renew method using Refresh Token.