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getchar() and reading line by line

For one of my exercises, we're required to read line by line and outputting using ONLY getchar and printf. I'm following K&R and one of the examples shows using getchar and putchar. From what I read, getchar() reads one char at a time until EOF. What I want to do is to read one char at a time until end of line but store whatever is written into char variable. So if input Hello, World!, it will store it all in a variable as well. I've tried to use strstr and strcat but with no sucess.

while ((c = getchar()) != EOF)
    printf ("%c", c);
return 0;


  • You will need more than one char to store a line. Use e.g. an array of chars, like so:

    #define MAX_LINE 256
    char line[MAX_LINE];
    int c, line_length = 0;
    //loop until getchar() returns eof
    //check that we don't exceed the line array , - 1 to make room
    //for the nul terminator
    while ((c = getchar()) != EOF && line_length < MAX_LINE - 1) { 
      line[line_length] = c;
      //the above 2 lines could be combined more idiomatically as:
      // line[line_length++] = c;
     //terminate the array, so it can be used as a string
    line[line_length] = 0;
    return 0;

    With this, you can't read lines longer than a fixed size (255 in this case). K&R will teach you dynamically allocated memory later on that you could use to read arbitarly long lines.