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AcceptEx() synchronous completion?

I am using IO completion ports and AcceptEx() whilst learning about servers, and am studying Len Holgate's free server framework to do this. He has the following code:

// Basically calls AcceptEx() via a previously obtained function pointer
if (!CMSWinSock::AcceptEx(
      const DWORD lastError = ::WSAGetLastError();

      if (ERROR_IO_PENDING != lastError)
         Output(_T("CSocketServerEx::Accept() - AcceptEx: ") + GetLastErrorMessage(lastError));

      // Accept completed synchronously. We need to marshal the data recieved over to the 
      // worker thread ourselves...

      m_iocp.PostStatus((ULONG_PTR)m_listeningSocket, bytesReceived, pBuffer);

I am confused about the "Accept completed synchronously" else-case. I have tried many times to get this code path to be hit (by pausing the code before I issue the AcceptEx, connecting, then resuming the code), but whenever I try the call always fails with ERROR_IO_PENDING and I get my notification packet. Furthermore, I have read this MS knowledgebase article (which I may have misinterpreted) which states

Additionally, if a Winsock2 I/O call returns SUCCESS or IO_PENDING, it is guaranteed that a completion packet will be queued to the IOCP when the I/O completes

However, I am thinking this doesn't apply to AcceptEx() because the dox for AcceptEx() states of the parameter lpdwBytesReceived

This parameter is set only if the operation completes synchronously.

So it seems it can complete synchronously...can someone tell me how AcceptEx() can complete synchronously (i.e. how I can replicate it in my server?)


  • Additionally, if a Winsock2 I/O call returns SUCCESS or ERROR_IO_PENDING, it is guaranteed that a completion packet will be queued to the IOCP when the I/O completes

    this is apply for any I/O request if completion port is associated with the file. but begin from windows vista this also depend from notification mode set for a file handle.

    but need first begin look from native view.

    by default, if FILE_SKIP_COMPLETION_PORT_ON_SUCCESS not set, exist 3 case by returned NTSTATUS status :

    1. NT_SUCCESS(status) or status >= 0 - will be completion
    2. NT_ERROR(status) or status >= 0xc0000000 - will be no completion
    3. NT_WARNING(status) or status < 0xc0000000 - unclear - if this error from I/O manager (say - STATUS_DATATYPE_MISALIGNMENT - will be no completion). if this error from driver (say STATUS_NO_MORE_FILES - will be completion).

    the win32 layer usually separate check for STATUS_PENDING and return ERROR_IO_PENDING in this case (but exist and exceptions, like ReadDirectoryChangesW). otherwise in case NT_ERROR(status) api return fail and set error code. otherwise return success. visible that case NT_WARNING(status) considered as success, but in this case, if error from I/O manager, will be no completion. I/O usually return errors from NT_ERROR(status) range, if parameters is incorrect. only case which i know (for asynchronous api) - STATUS_DATATYPE_MISALIGNMENT can be returned in case wrong aligned buffers, when I/O manager have special knowledge about buffer align. in NtNotifyChangeDirectoryFile (ReadDirectoryChangesW for win32) or NtQueryDirectoryFile (no corresponded win32 api). so only case which i know when will be no completion, when win32 return success - call ReadDirectoryChangesW with unaligned lpBuffer (it must be DWORD-aligned ) - in this case I/O manager just return STATUS_DATATYPE_MISALIGNMENT but win32 layer interpret this as success code and return true. but will be no completion in this case. however this is rarely case and you probably need use wrong align structures for this. so in general yes:

    by default if I/O call returns SUCCESS or ERROR_IO_PENDING will be queued a completion entry to the port. (with special exception case which i try describe)

    if we set FILE_SKIP_COMPLETION_PORT_ON_SUCCESS on file object (note this is per file object but not per file handle - documentation not exactly here) all become much more simply and efficient - completion entry will be queue to the port - when and only when I/O request return STATUS_PENDING. ERROR_IO_PENDING from win32 view (except ReadDirectoryChangesW (maybe some else api ?) where win32 layer simply lost return code information)

    However, I am thinking this doesn't apply to AcceptEx()

    you mistake. this, how i say, apply to any io request. "This parameter is set only if the operation completes synchronously." - and so what ?

    if look to code snippet, clear visible that code assume - in case AcceptEx completed synchronous and no error occurs - will be no io completion. or SetFileCompletionNotificationModes(m_listeningSocket, FILE_SKIP_COMPLETION_PORT_ON_SUCCESS) called or code is wrong - will be io completion in this case and not need m_iocp.PostStatus - this is fatal error will be. however i doubt that code used FILE_SKIP_COMPLETION_PORT_ON_SUCCESS - so it wrong. but error never raised because driver side implementation of AcceptEx (underlining ioctl) never return STATUS_SUCCESS: it check parameters - if it wrong - just return some error, otherwise always return STATUS_PENDING. as result, for asynchronous sockets AcceptEx never return true and code never jump to error else case. but anyway code is wrong. also i think design not the best - in case we determinate will be no completion - better just direct call completion routine with returned error code instead Release() (this will be done in completion routine) or PostStatus - for what post ?! - call direct.

    how AcceptEx() can complete synchronously

    very easy - if m_listeningSocket is handle to synchronous file object. however in this case you can not bind IOCP to file (it can be bind only in case asynchronous file object).

    about lpdwBytesReceived parameter - system copy Information member of IO_STATUS_BLOCK or if want OVERLAPPED.InternalHigh, in case operation is completed just. in case pending returned - this data simply not ready and not filled. you got actual number of bytes returned by io in completion