So, I'm trying to make a program that can encrypt and decrypt vigenere ciphers in python 3. I'm doing this for practice, but I'm really struggling with the creation of a cipher matrix. If you're unfamiliar with vigenere ciphers, here's a helpful photo of what I want.
The function I have to do the switching of the first term to the last is shift
, and it works well. I just need to create the lists with every value of the alphabet shifted over. My code is below.
import string
alpha = list(string.ascii_lowercase)
def shift(inList): #Shifts the first item in the list to the end
first = inList[0]
return inList
lastList = alpha
cipher = alpha
for item in alpha:
cipher = cipher[].append([shift(lastList)])
#global lastList = cipher[-1]
My problem is the creation of the 2D array that holds the vigenere cipher. I can't seem to make it work. Above is the furthest I've gotten making it, and this solution won't compile.
If all you want is creating the table, you can achieve it in one go like this:
for i in range(26):
left = string.ascii_uppercase[i:]
right = string.ascii_uppercase[:i]
print('{}{}'.format(left, right))