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Candlestick doesn't display well when the y-axis values are small

I'm using SciChart on my android application to display a Candlestick chart. When the y-values are big, the chart displays the data well.

When the y-values is big, the chart display well.

But when the y-values are small, the chart doesn't display well. It has the default scale level. You can see the values (red/green dots) at the bottom, very close the line y=0

enter image description here

Even when I tried to increase zoom level, seems it has a limitation of zoom level.

enter image description here

Anyone can give me some idea to fix this.

Bellow is my current implementation

private fun getOhlcDataSeries(symbolValues: List<SymbolValue>):
        OhlcDataSeries<Date, Double> {
    val dataSeries = OhlcDataSeries(, Double::class.javaObjectType)

    val dates = { it.timePeriodStart }
    val opens = { it.priceOpen }
    val high = { it.priceHigh }
    val lows = { it.priceLow }
    val closes = { it.priceClose }

    dataSeries.append(dates, opens, high, lows, closes)
    return dataSeries

val sciChartBuilder = SciChartBuilder.instance()
    val priceSeries = getData()

    val xAxis = sciChartBuilder.newCategoryDateAxis().build()
    val yAxis = sciChartBuilder.newNumericAxis().build()

    val dataSeries = getOhlcDataSeries(priceSeries)

    val upColor = 0xFF64AA6F.toInt()
    val downColor = 0xFFE25C5A.toInt()

    val rSeries = sciChartBuilder.newCandlestickSeries()



    UpdateSuspender.using(surface) {
        Collections.addAll(surface.xAxes, xAxis)
        Collections.addAll(surface.yAxes, yAxis)
        Collections.addAll(surface.renderableSeries, rSeries)
        Collections.addAll(surface.chartModifiers, sciChartBuilder.newModifierGroupWithDefaultModifiers().build())

Thank you


  • I tried many solutions and finally, it works by adding this

        yAxis.minimalZoomConstrain = 0.00000001
        yAxis.maximumZoomConstrain = 1000000