I recently asked how to make a homogenous list of GADT instances: Function returning result of any constructor of a GADT
{-#LANGUAGE GADTs, EmptyDataDecls #-}
module Main where
-- Define a contrived GADT
data TFoo
data TBar
data Thing a where
Foo :: Int -> Thing TFoo
Bar :: String -> Thing TBar
data SomeThing = forall a. SomeThing (Thing a)
combine :: [SomeThing]
combine = [Something $ Foo 1, SomeThing $ Bar "abc"]
Now, I'm having some trouble dynamically "unwrapping" them. Let's say we have this (still contrived, but closer to my real use case) code:
{-#LANGUAGE GADTs, EmptyDataDecls #-}
module Main where
-- Define a contrived GADT
data Thing a where
Thing :: TKind a -> Thing a
data TFoo
data TBar
data TKind a where
Foo :: TKind TFoo
Bar :: TKind TBar
data SomeThing = forall a. SomeThing (Thing a)
example :: SomeThing
example = SomeThing $ Thing Foo
extractThingWithTKind :: TKind a -> SomeThing -> Either String (Thing a)
extractThingWithTKind k st = case st of
SomeThing t@(Thing k) -> Right t
_ -> Left "nope"
The above doesn't work because the t
in Right t
doesn't have the type Thing a
. Intrinsically, I understand why this doesn't work. Pattern matching on the k
doesn't do what I want (only match if the k
is the same as the one passed in). But this is my best stab at approximating what I want. I tried instance
ing Eq
on TKind a
, but because (==) :: a -> a -> Bool
, this won't work (the equality depends on potentially disparate types at runtime). I could wrap TKind
like I did Thing
, but then I'd just be pushing the problem lower.
Removing the dynamism, I tried just pattern matching out a Thing TFoo
extractThingWithFoo :: SomeThing -> Either String (Thing TFoo)
extractThingWithFoo st = case st of
SomeThing t@(Thing Foo) -> Right t
_ -> Left "nope"
And that works! But does this mean that I can't do the dynamic matching? It would be a real pain to have to duplicate the above method for each kind TKind
(in the non-contrived version, there are many). The only other solution I see is changing SomeThing
to be a sum type that has one wrapper for each TKind
, but then you're just moving the duplicated code to a different place (and forcing all uses of SomeThing
to pattern match each).
In order to implement a function with the signature
extractThingWithTKind :: TKind a -> SomeThing -> Either String (Thing a)
, we need to be able to decide that what's inside SomeThing
is a TKind a
or not. GADT constructors are witnesses of such type equalities, but they need to be explicitly pattern-matched on to "unwrap" these assumptions in the function's local scope.
extractThingWithTKind :: TKind a -> SomeThing -> Either String (Thing a)
extractThingWithTKind Foo (SomeThing t@(Thing Foo)) = Right t
extractThingWithTKind Bar (SomeThing t@(Thing Bar)) = Right t
extractThingWithTKind _ _ = Left "nope"
Pattern matching on the first argument gives rise to the assumption that a ~ TFoo
(in the first case), and further pattern matching on the second argument proves that the thing inside SomeThing
is also a TFoo
. Crucially, the individual cases have to be spelled out one by one, as it's the constructors themselves that provide the evidence.