This simple code makes me crazy. It doesn't work in any browser or JSFiddle. The page won't be responsive and gets stuck.
<title>Page Title</title>
First number:<br>
<input type="number" id="fir">
Second number:<br>
<input type="number" id="sec">
<input type="number" id="inc">
<button id="btn">Click</button>
document.getElementById("btn").addEventListener("click", me);
var first = document.getElementById("fir");
var f = first.value;
var second = document.getElementById("sec");
var s = second.value;
var inc = document.getElementById("inc");
var ic = inc.value;
var str = "";
function me(){
for(var i=f; i<=s; i=i+ic){
return document.write(str);}
It always crashes
Edit: JSlint says no error
If you call initialize 'f = first.value' outside the event handler there won't be any value assigned to f because the code executes when the page is loaded, not after you've clicked on the submit button. Same goes with 's' and 'ic'.
This should fix the issue:
function me(){
var f = parseInt(first.value);
var s = parseInt(second.value);
var ic = parseInt(inc.value);
for(var i = f; i <= s; i = i + parseInt(inc.value)) {
str += i;
return document.write(str);