i work on WHMCS customizations, and want to hide Contry selector field. I tryed to comment county from template, and field are not shown, but when try to checkout, i got this error:
Please correct the following errors before continuing:
Please choose your country from the drop down box
This is Code from template that handle that part:
<div class="col-sm-12">
<div class="form-group prepend-icon">
<label for="inputCountry" class="field-icon" id="inputCountryIcon">
<i class="fa fa-globe"></i>
<select name="country" id="inputCountry" class="field"{if $loggedin} disabled="disabled"{/if}>
{foreach $countries as $countrycode => $countrylabel}
<option value="{$countrycode}"{if (!$country && $countrycode == $defaultcountry) || $countrycode eq $country} selected{/if}>
and also this one:
<div class="col-sm-12">
<div class="form-group prepend-icon">
<select name="domaincontactcountry" id="inputDCCountry" class="field">
{foreach $countries as $countrycode => $countrylabel}
<option value="{$countrycode}"{if (!$domaincontact.country && $countrycode == $defaultcountry) || $countrycode eq $domaincontact.country} selected{/if}>
So my question is how to proceed with checkout without that warning?
For each country div add style="display:none", e.g.:
This will hide the div but will keep default country selection.