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Eureka: How to push a VC from a PushRow without Segue

I am using Eureka to do a settingsVC and I am having trouble pushing a newVC from a pushRow. Note that I do not use storyboard

My setup is relatively simple, and my newVC is a simple UIViewController with some uitextfields and labels. Because I do not use storyboard, I can't seem to use performSegues and $0.presentationMode = .segueName(segueName: "RowsExampleViewControllerSegue", onDismiss: nil)

I have also reviewed this post but this post is relatively far fetched for my application.

My implementation so far as such:

class AccountsViewController: FormViewController {

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        form +++ Section("Profile")

            <<< PushRow<String>() { row in
                row.title = "Edit phone number"
                row.value = "+61 12345678"
                }.onCellSelection({ (cell, row) in
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(ChangePhoneNumberViewController(), animated: true)

The above approach pushes the VC twice.

My reason for wanting to adopt pushRow is because I want it to adopt the pushRow aesthetic looks, like the image attached. I have also considered exploring ButtonRow but the UI/UX is just not right. Moving ahead I would also need to use protocols to bring the new "phoneNumber" to the AccountsViewController.

enter image description here


Attempted the following code but produces the error message. enter image description here


  • I was having the same error, you can try to include the return type and also the argument label builder to the callback:

    row.presentationMode =
                    controllerProvider: ControllerProvider.callback(builder: { () -> UIViewController in
                        return AcknowListViewController()
                    onDismiss: nil)