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Cordova CodePush Migration - new plugin?

We're using CodePush with Cordova. This service is moving to Microsoft's App Center. The main code push site notes that there will be a new "App Center CodePush SDK Launch" in late February 2018. I haven't seen this launch for Cordova.

It looks to me like the existing cordova plugin for CodePush is integrated fairly well in the App Center docs. Is there going to be a new Cordova plugin for this AppCenter move, or will the existing plugin be usable long-term? I know the CLI will be changing, but I'm more concerned with the app integration using the Cordova plugin.


  • Existing CodePush SDK's will continue to accept update checks as long as they are in use. We are looking to phase out the old CodePush SDK's and CLI in favor of a new CodePush module included in our App Center SDK's and the already supported App Center CLI. It's our recommendation you make the switch to the new CLI, but not required at the moment.

    In the future we'll release the new SDK's, wait for update checks from old SDK's to cease and then deprecate the old service in favor of our new backend that all users are currently already on. We've been doing a lot of work behind the scenes in order to make sure the transition is comfortable and smooth for all users.