In a similar vein to this question, is there any way to submit a function defined in the same file to python-rq? @GG_Python who asked me to create a new question for this.
Usage example:
from redis import Redis
from rq import Queue
def somefunc():
q = Queue(connection=Redis('redis://redis'))
Yes, I know the answer is to define somefunc in and then in the above snippet from someothermodule import somefunc
, but I really don't want to. Maybe I'm being too much of a stickler for form, but somefunc really belongs in the same file in which it is enqueued (in practice, somefunc takes a docker container name and spawns it). I'd really like the whole thing to be self contained instead of having two modules.
I noticed, digging through python-rq source code, that Queue.enqueue can actually take a string rather than the actual module, so I was hoping I could maybe pass somemodule.somefunc
, but no so such luck. Any ideas?
Looking at the source, rq is just checking your function's __module__
attribute, which can be trivially changed. The question is, why does rq restrict you from enqueueing jobs from __main__
? There must be some reason, and there is: the function's module must be importable by the worker. __main__
is not, because your main module is not named
on disk. See "Considerations for Jobs" toward the bottom of this page.
Also, your script has top-level (non-definition) code in it that will be invoked anew each time it is imported by a worker, which you probably don't want to do, as it will create new queues and fill them with jobs when each worker starts, infinitely. If you want to enqueue a function in your main module, you can and should prevent this recursive behavior with an if __name__ == "__main__"
If you want to keep the function and its enqueuement in a single module, my suggestion is that you don't put any top-level code in it besides function and/or class definitions. Anything that would be top-level code, write as a function (named e.g. main()
). Then write a "dummy" main module that imports your real one and kicks off the processing.
somemodule.pyfrom redis import Redis
from rq import Queue
def somefunc():
def main():
q = Queue(connection=Redis('redis://redis'))
# if the user tried to execute this module, import the right one for them.
# somemodule is then imported twice, once as __main__ and once as somemodule,
# which will use a little extra memory and time but is mostly harmless
if __name__ == "__main__":
import mainmodule
import somemodule
You could also just change the __module__
attribute of your function to the actual name of your module on disk, so that it can be imported. You can even write a decorator to do this automatically:
from sys import modules
from from os.path import basename, splitext
def enqueueable(func):
if func.__module__ == "__main__":
func.__module__, _ = splitext(basename(modules["__main__"].__file__))
return func
def somefunc():
if __name__ == "__main__":
from redis import Redis
from rq import Queue
q = Queue(connection=Redis('redis://redis'))
For simplicity, the decorator assumes your module is a single file importable under its filename with the .py
extension stripped off. You could be using a package for your main module, in which things will get more complicated... so don't do that.