I'm making a chatbot for Google chat and I've seen there's a Cloud Pub/Sub option. I want to use it but i don't know how to link the conversation to the Pub/Sub system. What Chat gives me is only this Pub/Sub config
How can I do this? there is no end-point or nothing.
Ok, so the documentation in here tells me not very much it only tells that the messages are in this format:
{enter co"sender": {
"displayName": "Pizza Bot",
"avatarUrl": "some_url"}, "text": "Your pizza delivery is here!"}
(Sorry for the format)
I can't link the documentation since it says that it's confidential. But I can see it is VERY similar like the one that's for hangouts.
Any ideas?
In order to use Cloud Pub/Sub as a platform for Hangouts Chat, you will want to post the topic ID the bot config page. You can find directions at https://developers.google.com/hangouts/chat/how-tos/pub-sub.
Essentially, when publishing your bot:
The config page that you are showing has been deprecated and you must now publish a bot to use the Pub/Sub endpoints.