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proguard with applymapping produces duplicate names

I am writing an android module that is loaded into a 3rd party app as a plugin. The API is provided by a .jar which has been obfuscated by proguard and contains a mapping.txt file.

In my proguard config I have:


-applymapping "mapping.txt"


The problem is, a class used only in my module gets mapped to the same name as a class used in the library .jar (but that I don't use). When they are loaded at runtime this causes a IncompatibleClassChangeError.

I can clearly see the duplicates in the produced mapping files:

timber.log.Timber -> b.a.a:

gnu.nmea.ContainsPosition -> b.a.a:

Is there any way to make proguard not reuse obfusaction names?


  • You should use the rule

    -repackageclasses <packagename>

    in your Android module. This will move all obfuscated classes into this (unique) package, avoiding name clashes.

    Example: you module is named, then you would add


    and all obfuscated classes will end up there.