I'm trying to set some implicit styles on the AxisPane of SciCharts -- just even to change a background color, ala:
<Style TargetType="{x:Type SciCharts:AxisPanel}">
<Setter Property="Background" Value="Red"></Setter>
I've tried placing the style in the Application.Resources, inside the SciChartSurface.Resources, in a UserControl.Resources, and have had absolutely no luck.
The issue was that the AxisPanel was missing DefaultStyleKey and because of various properties set by default in the template, implicit styles were not applying.
We have added a property to AxisBase called AxisPanelStyle. This lets you apply a style directly to the axis panel via the parent axis:
<s:NumericAxis AxisPanelStyle="{StaticResource AStyleWithTargetTypeAxisPanel}"/>
This change has been committed to v5.1.0.11306 of scichart and pushed to nightly build shortly.
Best regards, Andrew
[SciChart tech lead]