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How to trigger AutoMapper to map a model using linq syntax?

I am trying to use AutoMapper 6.3 to allow me to auto map my model into viewmodels.

First I registered my AutoMapper instance to my IUnitContainer like so

var mapper = new MapperConfiguration(cfg =>


Now, in my controller, I want to pull a model from the database, then I want to map/cast it to my view-model.

I tried to do the following

var task = UnitOfWork.Tasks.Get(123)

But I can't seems to find the ProjectTo extension which I assumed it will be part of the AutoMapper project.

What is the correct way to project the viewModel if my AutoMapperProfile already created the mapping?


  • It seems to be in Automapper.QueryableExtensions:

    you can call it as long as the previous item in your linq change is IQueryable it seems.