I have this auth.js found on https://github.com/oracle/idm-samples/tree/master/idcs-sdk-sample-apps/nodejs but when we deploy this Oracle Application Container Cloud Service. I know we need to change this "redirectURL": 'localhost:3000/callback' to call the function callback. But im new in this, and i dont know to set this up. Any help is appreciated thanks.
oracle: {
"ClientId": '',
"ClientSecret": '',
"IDCSHost": '',
"AudienceServiceUrl" : '',
"TokenIssuer": 'https://identity.oraclecloud.com/',
"scope": 'urn:opc:idm:t.user.me openid',
"logoutSufix": '/sso/v1/user/logout',
"redirectURL": 'localhost:3000/callback'
How do i get the equivalent of local localhost:3000/callback to get my fucntion callback be called.
please follow this tutorial: https://apexapps.oracle.com/pls/apex/f?p=44785:112:0::::P112_CONTENT_ID:22661 or the GitHub documentation: https://github.com/oracle/idm-samples/blob/master/idcs-sdk-sample-apps/nodejs/README.md
The Oracle-by-Example Tutorial uses this sample application. Both OBE and GitHub README.MD file explain how to update and run the sample application and also explains what the code does. If your Node.js application does not answer in localhost:3000, you need to change the value of redirectURL property.
/callback is a route implemented by the sample application (follow the OBE to have the sample app updated with the correct pieces of code).