I've attempted to covert some curl code using both the postForm & POST methods in R following some other examples on here, however, i'm encountering 400 errors.
Here's the Curl i want to translate:
curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' --
header 'Accept: application/json' -d '[
"featureId": 9849,
"guid": "xyz",
"language": "ENG",
"lob": "HOTEL",
"matchType": "EXACT",
"posa": "GBR",
"remarketingType": "NEW_CUSTOMERS",
"searchEngine": "GOOGLE",
"superRegionCampRef": true
} ]' 'https://apiaddress'
With postForm:
x <- postForm("https://apiaddress",
.opts = list(postfields = toJSON(list(campaignKwType = "DESTINATION_LANDMARK", featureId = 9849, guid = "xyz", language = "ENG", lob = "HOTEL", matchType = "EXACT", posa = "GBR", remarketingType = "NEW_CUSTOMERS", searchEngine = "GOOGLE", superRegionCampRef = TRUE)),
httpheader = c('Content-Type' = 'application/json;charset=UTF-8', Accept = 'application/json')))
With POST:
x <- POST("https://apiaddress",
encode = "json",
body = list(c(campaignKwType = "DESTINATION_LANDMARK", featureId = 9849, guid = "xyz", language = "ENG", lob = "HOTEL", matchType = "EXACT", posa = "GBR", remarketingType = "NEW_CUSTOMERS", searchEngine = "GOOGLE", superRegionCampRef = TRUE))
Would appreciate any pointers, i've used other questions as an example for both of these requests and i've also checked the curl itself works. Thanks!
I'm not sure why you have the c()
in your list()
in the POST
version but i'd imagine that's not what you want. Just use
x <- POST("https://apiaddress",
encode = "json",
body = list(list(campaignKwType = "DESTINATION_LANDMARK", featureId = 9849, guid = "xyz", language = "ENG", lob = "HOTEL", matchType = "EXACT", posa = "GBR", remarketingType = "NEW_CUSTOMERS", searchEngine = "GOOGLE", superRegionCampRef = TRUE))